This site/blog is for you if you want to think, learn and laugh....and sometimes cry.
It’s for you if you want to learn from my mistakes and failures instead of only your own. It’s for you if you're looking for different ideas to achieve your personal and professional goals. Heck, it’s for you even if you don’t really have goals yet but have been meaning to set some for a long time!
It’s got your name written all over it if you’re working really hard but aren’t getting the desired results consistently. It’s for you if you’re just starting out in your professional career and think they you have to climb the corporate ladder straight up and the fastest. It’s for you if you’re an entrepreneur or in "Corporate America" and looking for ways to stay focused, motivated and do your best work. It’s for you “road warriors” out there who want to commiserate with someone who seems to always get the middle seat on the airplane or the hotel room next to the elevator. It’s especially for you if you don’t yet truly believe that you can actually follow your dreams and do work that you love. And it’s definitely for you if you believe you’re relegated to living a boring, poor and unfulfilling life because you grew up in a broken home, in a poor city, didn’t pick the right major in college, didn’t even go to college or any other self limiting belief taking up valuable shelf space between your ears.
Life is precious. Unlike cats we only have one of them. Let’s make the absolute best of it. I’d like to accompany you on your exciting journey! Sign up to travel with me HERE and please don’t hesitate to share your candid on any of my blog posts.
For 20+ years I’ve been an operator on the ground in the world of sales at some of the most successful companies around - Oracle, Fidelity Investments and John Hancock. Across the financial services and software industries, I’ve lived in the cubicle, the corner office and between two jet engines traveling the world from Boston to Buenos Aires to Bangalore. I’ve been an employee and a business leader. I’ve been on a constant quest to find myself and help others do the same. I’ve talked to thousands of business owners and C-Level executives and had leadership responsibility for thousands more sales professionals over the years. I’ve seen great business plans and businesses with no plans. I’ve hired hundreds of quota- carrying sales warriors and sales leaders and have seen many go on to achieve far beyond what they initially thought possible. I’ve also watched superbly talented people stagnate in jobs they didn’t enjoy because they lost their self-confidence, followed someone else’s plan for them or became tied down by the trappings of power. I’ve had many bosses, coaches, mentors and colleagues who have truly inspired me. For this I am incredibly fortunate.
Over this time I married a wonderful woman, watched my two children grow into amazing young teenagers and struggled with the same work/life balancing act that you do or soon will. I plan to use this blog to write about these experiences. My sincere hope is that you will find something here that will help you accomplish your personal and professional goals and maybe help others do the same. As a 12+ year student of the Sandler sales methodology, I learned that you don’t need to drastically change who you are to make meaningful progress against your goals - at work, home or even in the gym. You only need to become a 10% better version of yourself. I believe we can all agree that is truly possible. I’m consistently inspired to action buy the thought provoking quote: “Are you living your life by default or by design?” It’s this quote that drove me to leave my cushy corporate executive job of fifteen years and start up the Revenue Performance Group, LLC with my two partners Mike Myers and Colum Lundt. Leveraging the tried and true principles espoused by the legendary David H. Sandler we will help self-starting individuals along with strategic business executives and entrepreneurs remind the rest of the world of the reality of another great quote - “the hungry always beat the fat!”